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Why I Focus On Strategy

First and Foremost

Agency working on strategy work

One of the biggest mistakes I see brands, ACROSS THE BOARD, make is failing to give enough attention to—you guessed it—BUSINESS STRATEGY.

The problem with trying to scale before you have a solid foundation is that you lack direction—you’ll end up wasting valuable resources (money, time, and talent) attempting to nail down your brand strategy along the way than if you took a little extra time at the beginning. I’ve seen this too many times—it’s time to make a change.

When we work together we’ll chat about:

What are your unified goals for a year? 2 years? 5 years?

Who is your target audience? Do you have customer profiles for these audiences?

What channels are you using to reach these audience groups? Why?

Are you aware of the perception your customers have of you?

What is your unique brand story? Why should people care?

All of the answers to these questions influence design, which demand generation channels we choose, how copy is written, and so much more.

This is why I always focus on brand strategy first and foremost. All of my services include strategy work and because of that it’s completely customizable for you specific needs!

If you're ready to create not only a beautiful brand,
but a functional one that will drive revenue,

let's chat!

Social Media or SEO

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15 hours

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Starting at 20 hours

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